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Threads + RPC (Go context)

Why Go?

  • threads support
  • convenient RPC
  • type safe
  • GC
  • not too complex

Thread of execution

  • goroutines = threads

single thread = sequential programming (own PC, stack, registers)

threads share memory with other threads (like heap, global variables)

start using go keyword, exit = end of function

Why threads?

We want to express concurrency

  • I/O concurrency

Client sends requests to many servers in parallel and waits for replies. Server processes multiple client requests; each request may block. While waiting for the disk to read data for client X, process a request from client Y.

  • Multi-core parallelism

Execute code in parallel on several cores.

  • Convenience

In background, once per second, check whether each worker is still alive.

Threads challenges

  • race conditions

avoid sharing, use locks, channels (go have -race detector)

  • coordination

channels, condition variables

  • deadlocks

cycles via locks and/or communication

Go and challenges

  • channels (nosharing)
  • locks + condition variables (shared memory)

RPC (remote procedure call)

Goal: RPC ~= local procedure call, easy-to-program client/server communication

Client: z := fn(x, y)

Server: func fn(x, y int) int { ... }

  • hide details of network protocols
  • convert data (strings, arrays, maps, &c) to "wire format"
  • portability / interoperability

Client -> stub(which function is called, which args) -> marshalling -> network -> unmarshalling -> server stub -> exection on server -> reverse process to client

stubs are automatically generated

RPC semantics under failures

  • At-most-once semantics: send once and forget about it (0/1)
  • At-least-once semantics: send until you don't get a reply (1/1+), duplicates are possible, need to make a request idempotent if want exactly-once semantics
  • Exactly-once semantics: guarantee that each request was processed exactly once (1), hard to achieve

Go RPC is a simple form of "at-most-once"

RPC != PC (procedure call), because of failures